Suction rolls.
Techso supplies rolls for paper machine, both conventional and special rolls. Techso designs all the rolls according Customer needs optimizing performances and deliveries. In line with the high quality standard that we follow for all our products, also the components (covers, bearings, joints) are the best available quality in the market.

Variable crown rolls.

Plain press rolls.

Dryer cans.

Vacum rolls.

Sizer rolls.

Reel drums.
Rolls Services
Complete variable crown rolls overhaul
An advantage of the deflection crown roll is its long service life. The roll overhaul is focused on the inspection of components critical to roll operation and on extensive safeguarding the operation life. TECHSO service is performed by qualified and well-trained engineers; long expertise in the CBC manufacture and service guarantees the success of the overhaul.
Complete suction rolls (press rolls, couch rolls, pick-up rolls and transfer rolls) overhaul
If for time or for logistic reason revision of suction roll is requested to be done at mill site, TECHSO can guarantee the successful intervention thanks to the long experience in the maintenance of this kind of roll and to experienced and well-trained personnel. The roll overhaul is focused on the inspection of components critical to roll operation and on extensive safeguarding the operation life.
Maintenance on site of any kind of rolls
TECHSO engineers can work for maintenance of special rolls and conventional rolls also at mill site in case of need. Techso engineers can also coordinate teams of workers in order to get best efficiency.
NDT inspections
TECHSO offers NDT inspections for critical positions of the rolls (and in general on any component, when necessary) both in the shop and on mill site. Penetrant test, magnetic test and ultrasonic test with III level qualified personnel can be performed.
Reengineering of critical rolls
Rolls showing issues can be analyzed by Techso technicians and, if improving solution ares available, can be partially or completely reeingineered by Techso.